675 N. Washington St, Suite 490 • Alexandria, VA 22314
Same Day Sick Visits
Sick appointments are available in person daily by appointment only. All patients and family members 2 yrs and above are asked to wear a mask for sick appointments.
Patients calling for a sick appointment will be offered the next available appointment that day. Our morning and mid-day appointments are prioritized for our sick patients. (Our afternoon and evening appointments are prioritized for annual well visits for our school-age children.)
Not all illnesses require care at a medical office - please check the AAP's symptom checker for advice on whether your child's symptoms can be treated at home, or require a check from one of our doctors or NPs.
If you’re ever in doubt about whether your child needs a sick visit, call our office. Our friendly triage staff will ask a few questions about your child’s symptoms, and then help you decide if they should be seen in the office.
Same-day sick visits are available on days the office is open. We recommend calling in the morning to schedule an appointment.